The Nature Building Project is modular and adaptive. This means that we adapt our products and programs to the needs of our clients and audiences. Here we like to give you an idea of ​​possible formats. We would be happy to discuss a suitable offer.

Workshop and Lectures

We use stories and imagination to get people of all ages, backgrounds, education levels and worlds to think and act in building a greener world for everyone. You can showcase the Nature Building Kit during your event. Visitors can hold and feel the materials and a storyteller will answer all questions. The dialogue that follows helps your visitors to understand the changing system we face today. It is also possible to insert short plenary presentation moments, or, for example, to open with a keynote. 

You can showcase the Nature Building Kit with or without a workshop. During the workshop you will discover biobased possibilities and discuss the obstacles. You’ll explore the opportunities there are and what role you want and can take in them.

Nature Building Lab

With the Nature Building Lab we investigate how the theme of biobased building can be applied in education. There is a multitude of knowledge and at the same time it is still lacking in so many places. Scientists, teachers, educational developers and designers come together in the Nature Building Lab. We are working on an educational tool with which we illustrate the story of sustainable construction and renovation. It is our mission to inspire and activate a very diverse audience to consider a sustainable and circular world where buildings and cities regenerate nature. Teachers have a crucial role in envisioning this future.

Are you interested in being part of the Nature Building Lab? Let us know and ask about the possibilities.

Research Programs

We love to work together with local designers and producers to show what is locally possible in circular and biobased building. We show all kinds of possibilities to inspire people and invite them to participate in thinking and acting.

In a co-creation with local partners and after some decent research in soiltypes, weather conditions, and market opportunities, we add local materials to the Nature Building Kit or create a local kit that stays. By local we mean, the chosen area. This can be a country, a region, a city, but also the area around a certain company e.g. 

We collect all the materials and the stories of the makers and showcase everything in an exhibition. The form of the exhibition can differ but we always use the Nature Building Kit as a central eyecatcher. 

Be inspired by Building with Nature, our research exhibition in collaboration with Erasmushuis in Jakarta where we invited 21 Indonesian designers to share their materials and stories.

Are you interested in setting up a co-creation? Let us know and ask about the possibilities.

Exhibition or installation on demand

Creating a sustainable future for everyone goes beyond building. We create customized exhibitions to tell the story about our changing value system, in which a number of core values ​​can always be recognized. Themes such as local materials and people, biobased, circularity and modularity always return.

In an expo-installation on demand we can display a curated selection of designers and raw materials to create a platform for knowledge exchange. 

An example is Craft by Nature in Hong Kong.
Craft by Nature portrays a house turned inside out. Also furniture and other daily applied products made from nature, are shown next to the nature they are made of. You can explore biobased materials that can all grow locally in Hong Kong. In this expo-installation biodesign, plants and knowledge from the Netherlands and Hong Kong are brought together.